Story is powerful. For the majority of human existence, oral tradition was the way in which life was carried out and carried on. Our culture has had a dynamic influence on the way in which we now engage story. On one hand, we have become so entangled with technology and advancement that story has become a pastime practice instead of a communal necessity. Story and oral tradition have commonly been replaced with process and maximum efficiency. While story and efficiency are not polarities, we have cultivated a culture that prioritizes ‘transaction’ over ‘dialogue.’ But, on the other hand, there seems to be this deep longing in all of us for story: to be drawn into it, to be shaped by it, and to be sent out to experience it firsthand. We are a people being pulled away from story, and yet people longing to be invited back into story.
Story has shaped, continues to shape, and will shape the existence of Sanctuary Coffee. Birthed out of a vision to cultivate relationship through the platform of a non-profit coffee shop, Sanctuary exists to be a gathering space to share story, to reshape the way we engage in relationship with God, each other, and our world.
This week marks nine months since Sanctuary Coffee opened its doors, and it’s given us a chance to reflect upon this first season of being in the community of Claremont. There have been times when we’ve seen incredible stories unfold, and heard impactful stories being told. But there have also been times when we have been too busy, too concerned, and too preoccupied with life around us to stop and notice the story in front of us.
That’s why this week we’ve decided to gather on Sunday as a community to intentionally share story. We’re carving out time to be together, share together, and realize the way story has shaped us these past nine months. We look forward to this opportunity to be together as a community, and would love you to join and share your story!
We believe something powerful happens when we share stories while physically present with each other. We invite you to join us at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church (830 W Bonita Ave, Claremont) this Sunday (2/25) at 4:30pm as we share these stories together. But we also realize that a digital community can be a powerful way to share stories as well! Either in the comments on this blog or on our Facebook page, we’d love to hear your story: how has Sanctuary Coffee impacted you in our first 9 months together?